1. Local community

We will thrive a local community of builders in the four participating research institutions.

  1. Hardware publication platform

We will gather a community of interest to co-create an ecosystem for hardware publication, including a peer review system, that will provide recognition for the hardware makers.

  1. International collaboration

We will work inside GOSH, OSHWA and the RDA communities, producing guidance for makers in their path to open and FAIR hardware production, as well as driving further acceptance of the developed workflows.

  1. Research

We have been conducting interviews, surveys and observatory studies to understand the current practices and the community needs.


Researchers from three Berlin universities are collaborating to make this project fly.

This is a collaborative effort!

See related project and join the effort

From our blog

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Interview: Ultrasound device

on May 20, 2024

Interview: Ultrasound device Luc Jonveaux has been developing some ultrasound devices in open source in his spare time for several years. His motivations have been to have fun and give back to the commons. Different devices were created in his small apartment in Paris, and they were used by quite a large community of enthusiasts. by the Open make team, Luc Jonveaux. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.

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OpenMake II application: published and funded

on November 25, 2023

OpenMake II It is a pleasure to announce that the Open.Make project has been funded for another 2.5 years. The work will become more practical and local. We are one of three projects that received a second round of funding by the BUA. While you can download the full application on zenodo: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8220972, here is a very short summary of our plans. During the next nearly three years, we will work, on the one hand, on hardware publication.

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Interview: VentMon

on September 28, 2023

Interview: VentMon Robert Read lead the development of a ventilator test device during the Covid19 pandemic, it became the Ventmon. By the Open make team and Robert Read. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: VentMon logo, distributed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 Interviewee: Robert Read Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin)

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